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Experts / Q&A

  • Communicating with Clarity

    Communicating with Clarity

    By Mark A. Vickers, Speaking Is Selling As any manager or supervisor knows, when supervising employees or training team members, communicating with clarity – in a way that is easily understood – is the first and most important step in achieving success. Just as much as delivering a message with clarity has a dramatic impact

  • The Effect of Water Reuse on Linens

    The Effect of Water Reuse on Linens

    By Rich Fitzmorris Water reuse and how it can affect textiles via the washing process is the topic in today’s discussion on how to keep linens/textiles white. Water is an important resource world-wide. However, it is a resource that is dwindling – so we in the laundry industry must show good stewardship in our use

  • How Do I Keep My Linens Looking White?  Part 2

    How Do I Keep My Linens Looking White? Part 2

    By Rich Fitzmorris     No matter what segment of the laundry industry a facility services – on-premise hotel, nursing care, hospital, linen plant or large cooperative – quality is extremely important. Quality is what customers look for and what laundry facilities strive to produce. In part one of my article, “How Do I Keep

  • Time For a Tunnel?

    Time For a Tunnel?

    By Mike Diedling Manager, Applications Engineering Dept., Pellerin Milnor Corporation Has your laundry increased in the amount of goods it processes yearly? Are you looking to purchase new equipment to handle the extra poundage? If you’re like any other Laundry Manger, you may be wondering if it is time to add a tunnel to your

  • Braun Publishes the Science of Conventional Washroom Technology

    Braun Publishes the Science of Conventional Washroom Technology

    SYRACUSE, NY — Braun has announced the availability of their new Science Stands The Test Of Time® Conventional Washroom Technology publication. The purpose of the publication is to educate the industry on the science behind and evolution of conventional washroom technology and equipment. This publication examines various conventional washroom solutions that are employed for manual,

  • Rethinking Employee Retention

    Rethinking Employee Retention

    By: Ruth Crocker
    Seven Guidelines for Engaging and Accommodating Your Older Staff
    Mary loved her job as a laundry professional. She worked efficiently and effectively with thirty plus years of experience behind her. But as procedures changed…

  • How Do I Keep My Linens Looking White?

    How Do I Keep My Linens Looking White?

    By Rich Fitzmorris

    Question: How do I keep my linens looking white?

    Answer: Laundries, chemical technicians and chemical companies are under more pressure than ever to hurry up and get the job done. What suffers is the quality that the end-user desires and expects – clean, bright, white linen. I think one of the biggest reasons for the lack of whiteness is that essential washing processes are being cut short….