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Softrol Monorail Transport

Softrol Rail provides a state-of-the-art material handling solution for industrial applications. Round hardened (melonited) steel rail is utilized for superior structural strength and longevity. The melonite process (case hardening) eliminates rail distortion and provides smooth operation and maximum resistance to wear. Rail components are designed with high-grade materials.

Accepting loads from Softrol’s soil sort system, or from any other soil sort platform, the Softrol Rail automates movement of slings from sorting to storage and on to wash aisle delivery. Material handling of clean goods is also available to further reduce time, floor space and labor requirements.

Trolleys have RIFD tags for maintenance tracking. Our unique Trolley Twisters provide a very tight overall footprint, both horizontally and vertically. Trolley Twisters are used for 90-degree turns at soil sort loading and elsewhere. Out in the plant, there is no need to raise one rail over the other when rails cross. The Trolley Twister will act as a gatekeeper. This flexible and compact Softrol feature helps to accommodate Softrol’s rail installation into most any laundry facility.

The Softrol Rail also includes is a distributed control system with our powerful and high-speed DFX embedded processor. The entire rail operation is displayed to scale and in real-time. With our Pan and Zoom technology, individual system components can be zoomed in on and tapped to view all data related to that single component.

System Health is constantly monitored and maintenance is managed through our PM Tracker software.

For more information:  Softrol Rail

Or, visit the company’s web site:  Softrol