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Small Capacity Washers & Dryers

Small Capacity Washers & Dryers

It’s not always necessary to process a large load of goods.  And it is never cost-effective to run a large capacity washer – or dryer – for a small load.

In our Small Capacity Washers & Dryers special feature, The Laundry Ledger takes a look at our sponsor’s equipment that is available on the market today to meet the needs of industry professionals who don’t need larger capacity equipment or those who want to supplement their laundry with smaller machines for the lighter load.



Under 100 Pounds

B&C Technologies Washer-Extractors

EDRO CSL60 Washer-Extractor

EDRO NX60-Rigid Mount Washer-Extractor

Lavatec Pass-Through Washer-Extractors

Miele Benchmark Washers

Miele PW Series Washers

Miele Little Giants 18 lbs Washer-Extractor PW 908

Milnor Rigid Mount V-Series Under 100 lb. Capacity

Milnor MWF-Series Soft-Mount Washer-Extractors Under 100 lb. Capacity

Milnor 30022 T6X 60 lbs Washer-Extractor

Milnor 25-80 lb Cabinet Style Washer-Extractors

Sea-lion XGQ-F Soft Mount Washer Extractors – 55lbs


Over 100 Pounds

B&C Technologies Washer-Extractors

Braun 250 N2 Open Pocket Washer-Extractor 

EDRO DynaWash® CSL175 Washer-Extractor

EDRO’s NX140-Rigid Mount Washer-Extractor

Lavatec Pass-Through Washer-Extractors

Milnor MWF-Series Soft-Mount Washer-Extractors Over 100 lb. Capacity

Milnor Rigid-Mount V-Series Over 100 lb. Capacity

Sea-lion XGQ-CF Washer Extractors in 225-lb Capacities



Under 100 Pounds

B&C Technologies DE Series Dryer

EDROS’s C80 Tumble Dryer

Miele Benchmark Dryers

Miele Little Giants 18 lbs. Tumble Dryer – PDR 908

Milnor’s Premier Series Dryers

Sea-lion GZ Series Stand Alone Dryers – 55lbs


Over 100 Pounds

B&C Technologies DE Series Dryer

Brauns 125-200 lb Capacity Dryer

Milnor’s Premier Series Dryers

Lavatec’s TT-series and TT EcoDry 

Sea-lion GZ Series Stand Alone Dryers – 110-, 225lbs



Miele Little Giant System for Commercial Use

Miele Stackable Benchmark System



AquaRecycle – Mr. H.E.A.T. | Heat Exchange Air Transfer

AquaRecycle Mr. Cool –Water Reuse and AZone Disinfection

Kemco Kleenwater System

Kemco Reverse Osmosis



Please contact with product information.