Building Efficient Wash Processes in Commercial Laundries (Part 1)
By Al Adcock, Vice President Sales & Marketing, B&C Technologies — Improving the efficiency of your commercial laundry can often be found in the details of the laundering process itself, receiving, sorting, washing, drying or ironing, ...
Chemical Dispensing Systems & Choosing the Right One
By: John Goetz, Global Product Manager, Hydro Systems Company Loads of Laundry No hotel guest would be happy with a bath towel that is dirty, stiff, smelly or torn upon check-in. Similarly, a patron at ...
What Common Problems Impact Production?
By Joe Gudenburr, President G.A. Braun, Inc. The goal of any laundry is to process goods quickly and efficiently. However throughput can be affected by several issues. How can you pinpoint these issues and increase ...
How Do I Maximize Delegation Effectiveness?
By Eric Bloom — To maintain a laundry’s effectiveness, a manager needs to effectively delegate certain tasks. Like all management activities, delegation must be done in a thoughtful, ethical and forward-thinking manner. To that end, consider ...
Winter Is Here So Is Our Nemesis – Static Electricity
By Rich Fitzmorris — The summer months offer relief from the laundry monster ‘static electricity’ because in general, humidity is high enough to combat the charges generated between textiles and a converting source. But winter brings the ...
On the Street Poll
In our last poll, The Laundry Ledger asked, “Do you think new technologies in the laundry make your job easier or more complicated?” The Results are in — 83.3% responded – Easier 16.7% responded ...
The Effect of Water Reuse on Linens
By Rich Fitzmorris Water reuse and how it can affect textiles via the washing process is the topic in today’s discussion on how to keep linens/textiles white. Water is an important resource world-wide. However, it ...
How Do I Keep My Linens Looking White? Part 2
By Rich Fitzmorris No matter what segment of the laundry industry a facility services – on-premise hotel, nursing care, hospital, linen plant or large cooperative – quality is extremely important. Quality is what ...
How Do I Keep My Linens Looking White?
By Rich Fitzmorris Question: How do I keep my linens looking white? Answer: Laundries, chemical technicians and chemical companies are under more pressure than ever to hurry up and get the job done. What ...
How Do I Get Iron Out of Water?
By Rich Fitzmorris Question: How do I get the iron out of my water? It is turning my towels yellow. Answer: Generally .5 ppm of iron will stain and discolor white textiles. Chlorine is not ...
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