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Make Your Training Programs Stick

By Brannon Dreher
Your company delivers an expensive new training program to employees and then, like any smart company does, spends the next few months measuring the effects. Immediately after training, many companies find that newly trained team members don’t retain everything from their training programs.

Frustrating? Costly? Infuriating? Yes, it all of those things, and worse. How can you get trainees to absorb more of the information you give them, and increase the chances that that information will “stick” and be put into use for the long term? Let’s take a closer look.

Cognitive Load Theory 

According to psychologists who have studied how people learn (like Prof. Ton de Jong at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, John Sweller at the University of New South Wales, and many others), the human brain can be expected to absorb a relatively small percentage of the information delivered in a learning situation – at times as little as 10%. But it is possible to improve that percentage dramatically.

To understand how that percentage can be increased, it is important to understand Cognitive Load Theory, which is a way of understanding the effect that sensory inputs have on your ability to process information and learn. When your senses are processing a lot of input, they filter how much information gets passed on into your short-term memory. As an example in training, your learners are dealing with a lot of input that is competing with the information you want to teach.  They may be adjusting their eyes to see your slides or getting distracted by other trainees at equipment.

When information does get around that sensory/cognitive load, it makes it to your short-term memory, where you think about it. You judge it and if it is memorable, it then gets passed into your long-term memory where we can use it later.

To summarize – if a learner decides that information is important when it is in short-term memory, he or she will unconsciously transfer it to long-term memory. That information becomes what he or she learns because of training.

How Long Does Information Reside in Short-Term Memory? 

The answer to that question will probably surprise you, because new information only gets processed for between 10 and 15 seconds in short-term memory. If that information doesn’t stick during that time, it is lost. So, think of short-term memory as a kind of buffer zone that fills up quickly, and then empties as new information flows in.

What Can Help Get Information Passed from Short-Term Memory to Long-Term Memory? 

  • Mnemonic devices – Back when you were a student in high school, you might have memorized the sentence, “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas” to help you memorize the planets in our solar system in the order in which they appear from the sun. (The words in that sentence stand for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.) Acronyms are useful in training too. For example, the acronym AIDA (standing for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) is sometimes used to remind sales trainees of different stages of making a sale.

  • Activities – Participation in shared group activities is another effective way to reinforce concepts and help them move into long-term memory. So are quizzes and self-tests delivered at key moments during training that reinforce concepts and skills.

  • Resources to be used after training – A content library for trainees to use once training is done can be very effective in making sure key concepts move into long-term memory. For example, you can create an online content library for field technicians to access; it explains procedures and concepts that were covered in training, though probably not fully absorbed.

  • Story telling – Let trainees tell stories that explain experiences they have had that relate to a concept or skill you are teaching. (“Here’s what I did when I had difficulties with a new procedure.  Story telling reinforces key concepts for the person who is telling the story and for the people who are listening too.

  • Scenario-based learning – Present a simulated situation and let trainees work through and try solutions. This helps learners realize, “If this happens, this is how I will handle it.”

  • Certificates and certifications – They allow trainees to feel satisfied and rewarded for learning specific skills or behaviors. When trainees have been recognized for learning important information, it tends to stick.

And Include Games To

Games resonate especially well with millennials, although everyone likes them. They work much better than bombarding trainees with information. For example, you can have trainees practice new skills in a virtual environment that replicates one of your facilities.

And add a competitive element, because competitive games can help training concepts stick. Healthy competition, in which learners try to outperform other trainees, can go a long way toward getting learning to stick. For example, you can give a quiz and keep score on a leaderboard until someone wins.

In Conclusion . . .  

There are many ways to get a better ROI from training. You can revise your materials, hire more energetic trainers and take other steps. All good ideas, but ultimately unlikely to provide a big payback unless you make sure that you are delivering training that sticks.


Brannon Dreher is a Client Engagement Manager at Tortal Training. In the learning and development space, Brannon provides blended learning solutions for companies based on need and to create customized learning solutions for the clients, while increasing the effectiveness of company’s human capital. Brannon brings a continual learning focus, and communication skills to produce quantifiable results. For more information about Brannon Dreher, please visit www.Tortal.net

Image:  (c) Can Stock Focal Point

December 22, 2017 in Experts, Experts / Q&A, Featured Expert

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