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Call for Nominations to ARTA’s BOD

ARTA is now seeking nominations to fill two seats on its board of directors for 2017-2018. Preference will be given to commercial operators and machinery suppliers.

Once a slate of candidates is finalized, primary members of ARTA will receive a mailed ballot to vote on behalf of their company.

If you or someone you know is interested in running for a seat on the board, please email Nancy Jenkins at njenkins @ARTA1.com for an application.

The deadline for nominations is June 22.

NOTE: Because ARTA strives to maintain a balance of suppliers and operators (institutional and commercial), this year preference will be given to nominees who are commercial laundry operators or machinery suppliers.

Time Requirements

The time requirements for ARTA board members are as follows: Attend two board meetings a year, as well as two to four meetings via conference call. Serve on one committee. Attend ARTA meetings at Clean and the education conference (alternating every other year).

ARTA membership is held by the company. Each company then designates a primary member. The primary member votes in ARTA elections (so let your primary member know who you think should sit on the ARTA board!). Election results will be announced after ARTA’s Fall board meeting in October.