New Orleans has a reputation for celebration and that’s exactly what LAVATEC did after a successful run at Clean 2019. In addition to the highly anticipated launch of the new LP583 LAVASPEED extraction press, LAVATEC found new homes for almost all of the equipment it displayed at the show.
“It was a very good show. We had a sizeable amount of people in our booth and it generated a substantial amount of new leads for us,” stated Keith Ware, VP of Sales for Lavatec Laundry Technology, Inc.
“We expected good results with the new extraction press and the type of equipment we were offering in the booth. LAVASPEED attracted a lot of interest and people who understand the technological advancements of today’s machines spent the majority of their time asking questions about it. They were intrigued with the reduced moisture level and how it helps reduce drying times.”
Ware was referring to the faster extraction times made possible with LAVASPEED’s energy efficient hydraulics program. Separate high and low pressure systems, combined with an inverter controlled, high-pressure pump, allows the machine to reach maximum pressure quicker and improve moisture extraction.
“Many of the people were impressed by the fact the extraction pressure of LAVASPEED is measured at the membrane and not at the pump,” explained Ware, who indicated the machine has multiple press program options to meet various product needs. “Once they understood how that improves productivity, they connected the dots to how it can impact the overall performance of their other equipment all the way through the drying stage.”
Helping drive plant efficiency is LAVATEC’s osLaundry software package. The newest version of the state-of-the-art software control program was a discussion point at the show. Available with LAVASPEED and other LAVATEC equipment, it provides operators with information in real time, giving them the power to make more informed decisions faster so they can save time and money.
LAVASPEED can also be custom built to match with any LAVATRAC tunnel system. In this case, the LP583 and a 12-compartment LT100 tunnel washer on the Clean Show floor were sold to Division Laundry & Cleaners of San Antonio, Texas.
LAVATEC featured a pair of dryers at Clean Show. Huebsch Services, a uniform rental and floor mat company in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, took home a front-loading FL633 gas unit. Corporate uniform and apparel provider Cintas purchased the TT756 gas dryer. The TT series of dryers features a line burner system that covers the entire drum and infrared sensors that improve drying times by up to 15 percent. The end benefits result in higher throughput, linen that is not over-dried, and energy cost savings via reduced gas consumption.
“I anticipate we will have more new sales to announce in the near future,” summed up Ware. “The people who attended Clean 2019 were very well prepared. It was clear they had done some research about our equipment. They were impressed with the technology of our machines and asked very good questions.”