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Nate Belkin Award Nominations

Marketing reusable textiles in a disposable-centric society is challenging. However, ARTA is committed to create greater awareness and appreciation for woven textiles and in 2017 founded the Nate Belkin Award.

The Nate Belkin Award for Excellence in Marketing Reusable Textiles is presented biennially to the ARTA member company that best exemplifies ARTA’s mission. Nate Belkin, PhD, founded ARTA in 1982 while working for Fashion Seal Healthcare. He passed in 2010.

In 2017, Lac-Mac Limited of London, Ontario, received the Nate Belkin Award.Receiving the award were (top, l. to r.) Les Majors and Shelley Petrovskis, attended by ARTA President Brendan O’Neill.

Nate Belkin Award Criteria

— Nominations are open to all ARTA members, both laundries and supplier companies.

— A Nominating Committee of two operators and two suppliers from the ARTA Board will review nominations and make a recommendation on the finalists for the award.

— Nominators must submit a 150-word rationale for receiving the award. Work samples can be attached to the nomination form or mailed to ARTA.

ARTA will send an eAlert on Jan. 2 with a link to submit nominations online.