By now we’re all aware of COVID-19 and the hazards it presents.
We should all be practicing social distancing, hand washing (20 seconds), not touching our face, coughing into a tissue (and disposing it), and staying home if we show any symptoms of the virus.
Various local governments have decided to confine the public to their homes except for specifically noted outings, other municipalities are also making that decision.
Although some people in our industry can work from home – many cannot. In this time of uncertainty where we are all practicing new work habits or temporary absences from work environments, we can learn from each other and benefit from each other’s experiences.
Regardless of the type of business you’re in – or where you are employed – we want to hear from you.
Tell us how you’re doing, what’s changed, what hasn’t, what your challenges are, how you’ve overcome them, or any tips that may help others get through this trying time. We’ll also be hearing from suppliers to the industry with updates on their businesses and what they’re doing to make sure you have the equipment you need to do the job you do.
Feel free to send your name, business and location – or remain anonymous.
Send your tips to eda@laundryledger.com
Not sure what to talk about? Here are some ideas:
What have you done in your facility to prevent further spread of the virus?
What challenges are you facing at your job or at your facility?
Has there been a reduction of hours or staff at your facility or the facility you work at?
What type of facility are you at?
Are you experiencing less work?
If so, how are you meeting customer needs?
Has the way you get the job done changed? If so, in what way?
If your business can have off-site team members, how are you keeping them engaged?
If you are working off-site what are your challenges?
How are you meeting financial responsibility challenges?