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Three Faultless Victims From Boiler Explosion

ST. LOUIS, MO –Two people were killed from flying debris at the Faultless Healthcare Linen plant when a boiler exploded at the nearby Loy-Lange Box Co. and a van-sized piece of the boiler pierced the roof of the linen plant.  A third Faultless employee died from injuries later at the hospital.

“The boiler explosion is an ongoing investigation,” says Captain David Neighbors, St. Louis Fire Dept.

For each of the three employees, Clifford Lee, Tonya Gonzales-Suarez and Christopher Watkins, it was their first day of work at the plant.  Clifford Lee was a friend of married couple, Tonya  Gonzales-Suarez and Christopher Watkins.

“We mourn this terrible loss with their families and are grateful for the thoughtful and generous support offered to these families by so many in this community,” said Mark Spence, chief operating officer in a statement released by Faultless Linen.

The Sons & Daughters of Soulard, a group of charitable- and community-minded business leaders based in Soulard, were among the first to offer their aid and graciously took the lead in setting up a relief fund to benefit the families. Their GoFundMe page can be found at https://www.gofundme.com/faultless-explosion-victims-fund. We understand some of the family members may have set up their own relief fund pages which are another resource for those wanting to show their support, he added.

We also appreciate the many kindnesses shown to our company in these last days by city officials, business and community leaders as well as many individuals, Spence said.


Image Courtesy of the St. Louis Fire Department