Frequent outbursts by an aging hard-mount washer forced the Hampton Inn in Kansas City to seek help. After years of stress, the washer’s violent vibrations ripped it from its anchor point on the floor. Frustrated, General Manager Glenn Koch contacted Bruce Kusgen, of All Pro Laundry Equipment, in Lees Summit, Mo., for help. The solution? A new soft-mount Continental E-Series Washer-Extractor.
Initially, Kusgen tried to fix the existing washer. “We drilled through the concrete pad and into the floor to install new anchor bolts to tie it all back together,” he said. “Soon after, however, the washer’s inverter blew up and Glenn decided enough was enough.”
Kusgen recommended a replacement. The old hard-mount washer was pulled and a new soft-mount E-Series Washer took its place. Because of its soft-mount design, the Hampton Inn saved on installation costs.
“Unlike the old machine, the new washer does not bolt to the floor or a concrete pad,” said Kusgen. Rather, it is freestanding and features a unique spring system that absorbs 99 percent of all vibrations. It was installed without bolt-down or grout and produces much higher extract speeds for maximized performance.
The result is greatly improved laundry production and efficiency. This is because the new washer reaches extract speeds up to 400 G-force – twice that of the hard-mount washer it replaced. In doing so, it removes more water during extract, which significantly cuts dry time. Because dryers operate less frequently, the laundry consumes less natural gas, as well.
Thanks to the new washer installation, the Hampton Inn’s on-premise laundry completes more laundry loads per day – without distracting vibrations and noise.
Photo Caption:
All Pro Laundry’s Bruce Kusgen, left, installed this Continental E-Series soft-mount washer in the place of an existing hard-mount machine. Hampton Inn General Manager Glenn Koch, right, is pleased with its quiet operation and efficiency.