Registration is open for Clean 2019 being held June 20-23 in the New Orleans Morial Convention Center.
The Clean Show exhibits equipment, products and services for commercial laundry, drycleaning and textile services. Attendees can see and compare working equipment in live demonstrations and can learn from more than 25 hours of classroom education covering all segments of the industry.
People planning to attend Clean 2019 are encouraged to pre-register by June 10, 2019. Members of the any of the show’s five sponsoring associations can register for $119 a person. The non-member fee is $149. After June 10 all member and non-member registration will be on site and the fee increases to $169. Sponsoring associations are Association for Linen Management (ALM); Coin Laundry Association (CLA); Drycleaning and Laundry Institute (DLI); Textile Care Allied Trades Association (TCATA); and TRSA, the association for linen, uniform and facility services.
Attendees can visit the show’s website, www.cleanshow.com, to register online or to download a printable form for registering my mail or fax. Click on Attendee Information, then scroll down to Register Now. Each registration includes entrance to all four show days as well as access to all educational sessions.
“Clean 2017 in Las Vegas drew more than 12,500 people from around the world and featured 481 exhibiting companies,” said John Riddle, show manager. “We hope all textile care professionals will take advantage of this great opportunity to work together, learn together an succeed together.”
For more information about Clean 2019 visit the show’s website, www.cleanshow.com, or contact show management, Riddle & Associates, 2751 Buford Highway, Suite 100, Atlanta, Georgia 30324 USA, telephone 404-876-1988, email info@cleanshow.com.