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Milnor Fall Service Seminars

Join Pellerin Milnor this fall for its next round of service seminars.

September 25-29, 2023
CBW®/PBW™ Tunnel Washer
This course will give an in-depth look at the Mentor CBW® controller, Miltrac, Drynet: Dryer/Shuttle controller and Device Master. Mechanical, electrical and programming concepts will be covered. Attendees will also have a schematic & wiring activity to deepen the understanding of Milnor circuits and wiring.

October 16-19, 2023
These seminars are condensed into four days, with courses covering a broad range of Milnor washer-extractors, including divided cylinders and open-pocket designs with microprocessor controls. The courses are designed to train personnel in the rapid and accurate diagnosis and repair of field problems. Also, the attendees will gain an overall understanding of how the equipment operates and an electrical wiring simulation.

For more information or to register, go here. 
