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Prudential Overall & Consolidated Laundry Machinery Partner

Prudential Overall Supply (POS) has approved a long-term partnership with Consolidated Laundry Machinery (CLM, that includes the purchase of CLM’s latest dryer technology for their many industrial plants and growing Cleanroom Services division.

Recognized throughout the industry for making highly configurable, best-of-class industrial dryers with superior design and the latest technology, CLM’s numerous long-term customer relationships help the company stay grounded in short-term customer benefits in the areas of safety, efficiency, productivity and profit.

“When a customer like Prudential Overall Supply makes a substantial commitment such as this, we can give the highest level of after-sales support.  And by closely tracking real world use of our machines we can figure out how to make them work even better,” said Gabriel Camacho, CLM President.  “Staying close, getting real-time feedback and applying real-world solutions will keep both of us healthy in the long run.”

Since 1932, Prudential Overall Supply has established a reputation as a leader in state-of-the-art industrial laundering and cleanroom garment processing.  Their close, mutually beneficial relationship with CLM has led to many new CLM dryer design features that improve performance, safety, and ease of operation and maintenance.

Leonard McAllister, Prudential’s Senior Director of Engineering and Production said, “Prudential has for many years worked close with CLM on many innovations that not only help Prudential but helps the industry overall. I like the fact that they listen.”

The 5-year contract with POS included special pricing and warranty for CLM’s standard top quality industrial dryers, along with specialty dryers used in Cleanroom environments.

For more information about CLM industrial dryers, please visit their web site:  CLM

Or call CLM at (323) 232-2417