TCATA announced that its 2019/2020 college scholarship has been awarded to Kassidy Blount of Greenville, North Carolina. She will receive $2,000 per year for four years of college. Blount plans to attend the University of North Carolina, Asheville. Her mother Laurie is employed at UNX in Greenville.
Blount’s academic accomplishments are very impressive, as are her extracurricular activities. Her grades, SAT and ACT scores are at the very top of the scale, as measured both statewide and nationally. From her sophomore to senior year, she competed in two prestigious business-oriented competitions (DECA and FBLA) that take place locally, regionally and nationally. She placed regionally in both and continued to the national competition in Atlanta. Blount also competed in the Quiz Bowl and is a member of the National Honor Society and the Rho Kappa Honors Society.
Blount has been active in multiple clubs and organizations throughout high school. She serves as senior class vice-president, led the cleanup of her school, and served as president of the Beta Club. Her main passion is music – jazz in particular – something she plans to pursue a degree in at UNC. She started with jazz in middle school, taking saxophone lessons and singing. She went on to perform at several local venues, and is passionate about getting younger musicians to appreciate and perform jazz.
“TCATA is most pleased to assist students like Kassidy achieve their goals in college,” says TCATA president Leslie Schaeffer. “She is the kind of person that the scholarship was set up to help, and we all wish her the very best in her college career and beyond.”