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Industry Veteran Doug Story Forms Laundry Consultancy

For over 35 years, Doug Story made his mark working with customers worldwide in the industrial laundry and institutional cleaning business and showing them how to make the washroom side of their operations more efficient. After serving in various capacities – ranging from an R&D chemist to a division president – he has now opened MorgenBrooke, LLC., a North Carolina-based group consultancy.

Story established MorgenBrooke to address what he terms as undervalued operational resources in commercial and industrial laundries. Looking at the considerable rise in operational costs in recent years for an industry already known for its paper thin margins, Story believes his chemicals and operational expertise can help operators significantly reduce their laundry’s operational costs.

“Laundry organizations were already experiencing challenging times before the COVID-19 pandemic arrived three years ago,” notes Story. “Plants often struggle with their operational needs, especially in terms of managing their wash aisle chemical, and productivity costs. We have developed a process that can analyze these areas and drive them to become more efficient, with the added effect of lower costs and an improved bottom line.”

Story says MorgenBrooke’s unique Productivity and Resource Optimization (P.R.O.) evaluation and decision-making program is applicable to any size laundry or institutional operation.

“In the past I led teams where we implemented a similar program that enhanced operational efficiencies. We spend time with the engineers and teach them about proven methods to improve the washroom area by reducing water consumption, wastewater, labor time and energy,” commented Story.

“With our P.R.O. program, we can create a portfolio where our customers have a choice in how they can move forward. It includes everything from custom dispensing systems and unique, automated methods of processing, to running performance scenarios on the impact a new piece of equipment will have on your operation before you write the check.

“We combine this process,” continued Story, “with various auditing reports that can be used for internal performance measures and/or external bench marking against the market as a whole. Overall, it is designed to be part of the solution as a critical tool that can aid an owner or managing executive in their decision making process.”

To learn more about how MorgenBrooke can help your operation, contact Doug via email: