Meese Duracast
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Milnor’s Spring Service Seminar Dates

Milnor will host two service seminars this spring, covering information on a broad range of Milnor washer-extractors and Continuous Batch Washer (CBW®) systems.

The Washer-Extractor seminar is scheduled for April 9-12 and the CBW seminar will run from April 29-May 3. Both will be held on the Milnor campus in Kenner, LA.

These condensed courses are designed to train personnel in the rapid and accurate diagnosis and treatment of field problems, as well as to help attendees gain an overall understanding of how the equipment operates.

Register online at, under the Support & Safety tab and then under Service Seminars.

For more details, contact the Milnor Service Department at 504/712-7716.

Or, visit the company’s web site:  Milnor