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Posts Tagged: Service Seminar

  • Milnor Fall Service Seminars

    Milnor Fall Service Seminars

    Join Pellerin Milnor this fall for its next round of service seminars. September 25-29, 2023 CBW®/PBW™ Tunnel Washer This course will give an in-depth look at the Mentor CBW® controller, Miltrac, Drynet: Dryer/Shuttle controller and Device Master. Mechanical, electrical and programming concepts will be covered. Attendees will also have a schematic & wiring activity to

  • Milnor’s Spring Service Seminar Dates

    Milnor’s Spring Service Seminar Dates

    Milnor will host two service seminars this spring, covering information on a broad range of Milnor washer-extractors and Continuous Batch Washer (CBW®) systems. The Washer-Extractor seminar is scheduled for April 9-12 and the CBW seminar will run from April 29-May 3. Both will be held on the Milnor campus in Kenner, LA. These condensed courses